Posts Tagged ‘Wendy Dennis’

It’s Christmastime and, if I may so boldly observe, it’s cold outside. Meanwhile, Rudolph has contacted the Reindeer Rights Commission to report bullying and harassment. Climate change has claimed the life of Frosty the Snowman and gender fluid Santa Claus is coming to town. Into this season of gloom, I bring a ray of light […]

I’ll resist calling it “entertaining,” but it has been fascinating to watch the ongoing feud between the Wakefield Farmers Market and The Bread Shop. A year ago, Farmers Market manager Wendy Dennis initially denied The Bread Shop’s application to have a table at the Wakefield Farmers Market but later grudgingly relented after The Bread Shop […]

Well, it’s that time of year again. The holiday season is upon us and that means it’s once again time to review my annual Christmas list. My list includes gifts for both naughty and nice, because who am I to judge? So, without further ado… To Selectman Peter May: automatic canine voter registration. To Fred […]

When audiences arrives at the Unitarian-Universalist Church in Wakefield, MA for future concerts at the Linden Tree Coffeehouse, something will be missing. The majestic linden tree that lent its name to the coffeehouse 31 years ago and has graced the front of the church for longer than anyone has been alive, was taken down on […]