Archive for May, 2007

The arrival of summer also signals the return of transient vendors to the areas around Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield, Massachusetts–most visibly, Fred’s Franks, the hot dog stand at the head of the Lake. This seems like as good a time as any to review the recent history of that part of town. When the old […]

Boston Police are going after motorists who don’t stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. According to a report on WHDH 7News, cops have set up a sting operation where a plain-clothesfemale officer posing as a young mother, using the crosswalk, attempts to cross the street with a doll in her stroller. The Channel 7 report showed […]



Why isn’t this person driving a Prius?

At last night’s Sweetser Lecture “The Boston Italian story,” author Stephen Puleo told his Wakefield audience last night, “is a true American success story. It’s a story that, if you are of Italian American heritage, you should be incredibly proud of.”

Wakefield resident retires after 39 years Boston DPW chief On a Saturday morning in March 2007, recently retired Joe Casazza got to clear the snow from his own driveway on Sycamore Road in Wakefield instead of spending the weekend in Boston overseeing the city’s snow removal efforts. After 39 years as Boston’s Public Works Commissioner, […]

On September 11, 2007, it will be have been six years since the terrorist attacks. Call me picky, but can we please not hear that date referred to in speech as “nine one one”?

For a writer known primarily for fiction, Andre Dubus III began in a seemingly unorthodox manner last night, by reading from a piece of non-fiction that he wrote for Boston Magazine. Speaking to a full house in the Wakefield-Lynnfield United Methodist Church, the author of House of Sand and Fog was in Wakefield to deliver […]



I never thought I’d say it, but I’m starting to miss the cable companies. Whipping boys don’t grow on trees, you know.

Q. What did the Canada goose say at Town Meeting? A. I just flew in from the Common, and are my wings tired!

As we approach another Memorial Day with our country at war, it will be interesting to watch the attendance at events around the country. We often hear from those in the anti-war ranks that they oppose the war but “support the troops.” And yet, when I attended last November’s Veterans’ Day observance in my hometown […]