Posts Tagged ‘United States Senate’

At Oct. 20, 2012 campaign rally in Melrose, MA With Senator Scott Brown and Sixth District Congressional candidate Richard Tisei both locked in heated battles heading into the Nov. 6 election, war hero and Arizona Senator John McCain spoke at a rally for both candidates Saturday morning in Melrose, Massachusetts. Addressing a sign-waving crowd that […]

Party Games


The release of his new book, an interview on last Sunday’s edition of 60 Minutes and assorted other media appearances to promote his book have thrust Scott Brown in front of the national media spotlight once again. Not since his upset win over Martha Coakley in a special election just over a year ago to […]

“Tell Scott Brown to stop obstructing progress on global warming.” “Tell Scott Brown to stop voting with Wall Street.” “Tell Scott Brown to Release $700 million in Federal Relief Money to Massachusetts.” “Tell Scott Brown to Extend Unemployment Insurance.” Those are just a few of the advertisements that have run on TV, radio and the […]

If Martha Coakley had won the Massachusetts special election on January 19, 2010, do you think she would have embarked on a statewide post-election tour to thank the voters? We’ll never know of course, but I’m guessing she’d have been sworn in and shaking hands in Washington – not at the Kowloon in Saugus shaking […]

The result of the January 19, 2010 special election was supposed to be a forgone conclusion. In Massachusetts, the bluest of blue states, a Republican hadn’t been elected to a Senate seat in nearly 40 years, we were told, over and over. Once Martha Coakley won the Special Democratic Primary to fill the US Senate […]

Election Ennui


Congratulations to the voters of Wakefield, Massachusetts. One in four of you came out to vote in the recent special primary election to choose Teddy Kennedy’s successor in the US Senate. Wakefield’s 26 percent participation was nearly double the statewide turnout of 14 percent. Somewhere, the Founding Fathers must be beaming with pride. In the […]