3 Responses to “Designing density”

  1. 1 John Breithaupt

    Are there any guidelines that developers of multi-family housing in Wakefield must follow? A well designed high density community could be a good place to live. So it comes down to the quality of the design.


    The voters of the town of Milton just voted down this same Multi-family Zoning law. Of course, the town will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars of state money. However, the people felt more strongly about retaining the integrity of their town and were not swayed by the thought of money. Seems as though “the powers to be” in Wakefield are more interested in the $$$ than in retaining the integrity and architecture of the town. Such shortsightedness!

  3. 3 Nancy Trimper

    Where is there space in tearing down existing homes? Wakefield to create this thing? Does it mean tearing down existing homes or buildings? Or maybe desecrating more of the forest by the High School?

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