Posts Tagged ‘World War II Monument’

When did we become such weather wimps? Two recent local events that were once routinely held outdoors unless forced inside by a deluge, now automatically happen under the artificial lights of LED bulbs rather than the brilliant sunshine that Mother Nature provides for free. I’m talking, of course, about the town’s Memorial Day exercises and […]

This is how it’s done. If you take on a worthy cause and through persistence and hard work, you create something of value, the public will turn out in droves to support you. Wakefield’s World War II Memorial Committee could teach the “Occupy” organizers a thing or two. About a thousand people packed Veterans’ Memorial […]

A grateful town paid tribute to its veterans on Friday, especially those who fought in World War II, as a huge crowd packed Veterans’ Memorial Common for the unveiling and dedication of the new granite World War II Monument. The Veterans’ Day crowd, which some estimated at more than 1,000, included World War II veterans […]

Memorial “pavers” to go on sale They’ve already raised over $25,000 from voluntary donations and the sale of t-shirts and sweatshirts. Now, the World War II Memorial Committee is about to embark on a major fundraising effort that they hope will bring them much closer to their goal of $200,000 – the amount that they […]

Canoe race raises $660 for World War II Memorial in Wakefield, MA It was billed as the “War on the Water,” a contest where youth would challenge age in a canoe race on Lake Quannapowitt, with the more “seasoned” Wakefield Board of Selectmen taking on the relatively youthful School Committee members. In the end, age […]

Vandals Deface World War II Monument in Wakefield, Massachusetts I considered ignoring the recent spate of vandalism that has seen the World War II Monument on the Common desecrated and the bandstand marred by graffiti. The pacifist criminals spray painted “War is not the answer,” and a peace symbol on the World War II monument. […]