Posts Tagged ‘selectmen’

Eight men out


Who couldn’t have seen this coming? The folks who took the “man” out of selectman now want to manipulate the gender composition of other boards. So much being gender neutral. Recently, the Wakefield Town Council advertised for candidates to serve on the crisply-named “Public Safety Building Re-Assessment Committee.” In mid-November, the notice was posted widely […]

WAKEFIELD – The Board of Selectmen passed away with little fanfare this week after a bout with a virulent strain of political correctness. It was 371 years old. Born in 1647, the Board of Selectmen was the child of Lynn Village and Redding. It was later adopted by Reading, South Reading and Wakefield. The Board […]

Anyone at Town Meeting on that night last May could see that it was going to be close. Personally, I thought the plastic bag ban was going to fail narrowly if put to a YES/NO vote. But before it came to that, a third option miraculously surfaced! “Let’s refer it back to the selectmen for […]

It’s even worse than I thought. A couple of weeks ago, we discussed Voter Fatigue and the steps that our state and local governments are taking to aid us in performing that onerous civic duty known as voting. But until Thursday, September 8, I had no idea that for more than 90 percent of us, […]

By MARK SARDELLA If you encounter a police officer, a firefighter, an EMT or a paramedic in your travels around town, you might want to say “thank you.” The week of April 25, 2016 through May 1, 2016 was “First Responder Week” in Wakefield, as proclaimed by the Board of Selectmen. Many Wakefield Police officers, […]

Canoe race raises $660 for World War II Memorial in Wakefield, MA It was billed as the “War on the Water,” a contest where youth would challenge age in a canoe race on Lake Quannapowitt, with the more “seasoned” Wakefield Board of Selectmen taking on the relatively youthful School Committee members. In the end, age […]

Wakefield needs a hug. The town is struggling financially and its self-esteem may be shot, but help is on the way. The board of selectmen gave preliminary approval last week to a group that wants to stage a “farmers’ market” on Saturday mornings at Hall Park on North Ave starting next summer. I just hope […]

For those who had clamored since before April’s Annual Town Meeting for a three-way meeting of the Selectmen, Finance Committee and School Committee to look at the town’s finances, the first public meeting of the Tri-Board on June 11 must have been something of a disappointment. The residents of the town of Wakefield, Massachusetts who […]

Hundreds attend local Veterans’ Day observance “Being a veteran and being a patriot are not the same thing,” keynote speaker John Carney told the audience at yesterday’s local Veterans’ Day observance. “You need not be a veteran to be a patriot.” In one of the best attended Veterans’ Day ceremonies in recent memory, hundreds of […]

Selectmen deny responsibility for canceling Homecoming Although Wakefield 350 has withdrawn its request to use the Common for the annual “Homecoming Festival” in September, issues related to the organization surfaced at the July 9 selectmen’s meeting, as members of the board took exception to being blamed by Wakefield 350 for causing the cancellation of this […]