Posts Tagged ‘Paul Reavis’

Fantasy League


The irony of the moment was not lost on acting Planning Board chairman Bill Spaulding. “I do find it interesting that you’re questioning the parking – the amount of it,” Spaulding told Bronwyn Della-Volpe at hearing last week on Town Meeting Article 12, which was aimed at revitalizing the downtown with more mixed-use, residential-above-retail development. […]

by Mark Sardella (Wakefield Daily Item) One of the zoning measures that will go before the voters at next week’s Regular Town Meeting seeks to encourage a shift toward multifamily, mixed-use developments in Wakefield‘s downtown area. Article 12 on the Nov. 16 Town Meeting warrant would make it easier for developers to propose projects in […]

by Mark Sardella (Wakefield Daily Item) One of the Zoning articles that Wakefield voters will be grappling with at the Regular Town Meeting that gets underway on Monday, Nov. 16 relates to open space subdivisions, also known as conservation subdivisions. At a public hearing earlier this week, the Planning Board voted to recommend favorable action […]

By Mark Sardella (Wakefield Daily Item) Is there a parking problem in downtown Wakefield? The answer can depend on whom you ask. Some blame empty storefronts on a lack of downtown parking, while others say that parking in downtown Wakefield isn’t really a problem if you’re willing to walk a couple of blocks. But even […]