Posts Tagged ‘Patrick Glynn’

As expected, at their June 23 meeting the Board of Selectmen addressed at length the latest controversy over local peddlers, including Fred’s Franks, the hotdog vendor that had until recently occupied a spot at the head of the Lake. Several Board members indicated that they had been receiving phone calls and emails from local residents […]

[Wakefield Daily Item, April 3, 2014] With the exception of the town’s handling of the Quinn Bill, there was little disagreement during Tuesday night’s debate between the three candidates vying for two seats on the Board of Selectmen in the April 22 Town Election. The forum was moderated by William Carroll with questions posed to […]

To benefit The Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield, Massachusetts Student directors from The Scholarship Foundation of Wakefield (TSF) met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the upcoming 34th Annual TSF Phonathon on Saturday, March 22, 2014.. Between 12 and 4 p.m. on that day, students will be calling local residents. The annual Phonathon helps raise […]

A grateful town paid tribute to its veterans on Friday, especially those who fought in World War II, as a huge crowd packed Veterans’ Memorial Common for the unveiling and dedication of the new granite World War II Monument. The Veterans’ Day crowd, which some estimated at more than 1,000, included World War II veterans […]

Veterans Day 2009 in Wakefield, Massachusetts As featured speaker at yesterday’s Veterans’ Day exercises, US Army veteran Sam Stella delivered his remarks in an auditorium lined with the photographs of Wakefield soldiers who died in battles fought in distant places long ago. He focused his comments on the roles that United States servicemen and women […]

Canoe race raises $660 for World War II Memorial in Wakefield, MA It was billed as the “War on the Water,” a contest where youth would challenge age in a canoe race on Lake Quannapowitt, with the more “seasoned” Wakefield Board of Selectmen taking on the relatively youthful School Committee members. In the end, age […]