Posts Tagged ‘McWanks’

As blogs, Facebook, Twitter and photo sharing sites like Flickr have exponentially increased the ranks of would-be “citizen journalists,” they have also increased the chances each of us has for moments of microcelebrity. Writer Clive Thompson coined the term “microcelebrity” a few years back to describe the way that DIY (Do It Yourself) media has […]

“In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes,” may well be the most famous quote of the 20th Century. First uttered by Andy Warhol in 1968, it has taken on various forms. We refer to someone’s “fifteen minutes of fame,” or note that another’s “15 minutes are up.” But Warhol’s remark proved to […]

Clive Thompson recently wrote a piece for called The Age of Microcelebrity: Why Everyone’s a Little Brad Pitt. “Microcelebrity,” Thompson explains, “is the phenomenon of being extremely well known not to millions but to a small group — a thousand people, or maybe only a few dozen. As DIY media reach ever deeper into […]