Posts Tagged ‘EVs’

Green gurus


There is a group in Wakefield that wants very much to tell you how to live your life. And if you run a business, they’ve got plenty of ideas they’d like to “share” with you on that as well. No, I’m not talking about the Opera Club of Wakefield. I speak, of course, of the […]

The state of Massachusetts wants more control over municipal decision-making and is threatening to withhold state funding from cities and towns that do not comply with its social and climate goals disguised as zoning. New state guidelines based on a law passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Charlie Baker last January require that […]

Magic bus


Like most of you, I had never heard of “transportation equity” until a week or so ago. It’s one of those terms that members of the Woke Community toss around in casual conversation believing everybody knows what it means, because everybody they know does. You probably thought “equity” was the value of your home minus […]

Cruel summer


August was not a good month for those who believe they have the power to control the weather. Things started to go downhill on Aug. 12, when those climate deniers at the Department of Public Utilities hastened the incineration of the planet by approving Project 2015A. Project 2015A a natural gas-fired plant to be sited […]

Charging ahead


We’ve already established that the only thing keeping you from trading in your Subaru for a Schwinn is the lack of bike lanes. Now it turns out that all it will take to get you into a new electric vehicle is for the town to install a few public electric vehicle charging stations. So, which […]