Posts Tagged ‘dedication’

by Mark Sardella (Wakefield Daily Item) Not even a passing shower could dampen the spirits of the dozens who turned out for the Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015 dedication of the Dr. Paula M. Mullen Field at the Galvin Middle School in Wakefield, Massachusetts. Teachers and administrative staff past and present joined with friends and family […]

Re-dedication of the Galvin Middle School in Wakefield, Massachusetts It was a night to celebrate, and on Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014 hundreds of Wakefield residents filled Veterans Memorial Auditorium to join with town officials, members of the Galvin family, students and school administrators past and present to rededicate the new John Rogers Galvin Middle School. […]

A grateful town paid tribute to its veterans on Friday, especially those who fought in World War II, as a huge crowd packed Veterans’ Memorial Common for the unveiling and dedication of the new granite World War II Monument. The Veterans’ Day crowd, which some estimated at more than 1,000, included World War II veterans […]