Posts Tagged ‘businesses’

Straw man


PREDICTION: On or about June 30, 2021, someone will post on one of the local Facebook groups the following tale of woe: Tonight, I picked up takeout for the family at [local restaurant.] Imagine my frustration when I got home and there were no utensils and no straws in any of the paper bags! I […]

Good things, as they say, come to those who wait. Unfortunately, so do bad things. You may recall that on last spring’s Annual Town Meeting warrant, there were a couple of articles aimed at expanding the town’s plastic bag ban and prohibiting certain types of food packaging. These measures were sponsored by the same folks […]

If you approached the 2020 Annual Town Meeting with a touch of trepidation, you certainly weren’t alone. There were several articles on the warrant that had the potential to make Wakefield a less safe and more restrictive community.

Now the real panic has begun. Gov. Charlie Baker’s re-opening plan, as timid as it is, has lockdown enthusiasts grasping at straws to stem the trickle (one can hardly call it a tide) of normalcy returning to the Bay State. Back in mid-March, it never occurred to anyone that this economic shutdown would go on […]